Friday, 25 May 2012

Does a fish know it's wet?

In the first lecture/tutorial, we came across an ambiguous subject. There was a question as such:
" Does a fish know it's wet? "

I believe it does not know. It lives in water which is its reality. It does know what is the feeling of being wet or dry unless it is taken out of water. But it will obviously die before knowing what is dryness. Due to the fact that it lives only in water, it does not know what it is to be dry, but some people believe that fish have the concept of wet as they have to avoid being out of water. Throwing a human with the intelligence of a fish into a pool, will he know now what is being wet and what id being dry? If we see it him as a human, he will surely know as he is aware of both feelings but again as a fish he might nit actually know, or might also know. As said before the question is an ambiguous one which will only depend on the way people think, or the way the fish thinks. :)